Judy McGuire takes on co-host Mike Edison and his co-author Patrick Martins to talk about their new book, The Carnivores Manifesto, out now on Little, Brown, and Company. Hear how Patrick became involved with heritage breed preservation after studying under Slow Foods Carlo Petrini. Find out how Mike and Patrick came to collaborate on the book, and how their personalities fueled the pace and content of the book. Will Mike and Judy collaborate on the sequel? Find out on this weeks edition of Arts and Seizures! This program has been sponsored by Robertas. Something tells me that commodity foods were better in the 70s before industrial food emptied all of the calories from them. [4:00] You have to eat these heritage breed animals in order to save them. Theyre meant to be food, so in order to keep them alive, you have to make a market for them so they can be raised in larger numbers. [5:30] -- Patrick Martins on Arts and Seizures
Judy McGuire takes on co-host Mike Edison and his co-author Patrick Martins to talk about their new book, The Carnivore’s Manifesto, out now on Little, Brown, and Company. Hear how Patrick became involved with heritage breed preservation after studying under Slow Food’s Carlo Petrini. Find out how Mike and Patrick came to collaborate on the book, and how their personalities fueled the pace and content of the book. Will Mike & Judy collaborate on the sequel? Find out on this week’s edition of Arts & Seizures! This program has been sponsored by Roberta’s.
“Something tells me that commodity foods were better in the 70’s before industrial food emptied all of the calories from them.” [4:00]
“You have to eat these heritage breed animals in order to save them. They’re meant to be food, so in order to keep them alive, you have to make a market for them so they can be raised in larger numbers.” [5:30]
— Patrick Martins on Arts & Seizures