For the first time ever we go down that lonesome road of playing records and talkin’ in-between! Sharky goes solo, jockeying discs and raising the roof!! Featured: Rock’n’roll sermons, gospel choirs, twisted spirituals... plus Mr. Airplane Man, Reagan Youth, and the Edison Rocket Train throwing down the shakin’ beat!!! THIS IS NOW MUSIC FOR NOW PEOPLE and the FASTEST THIRTY MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE. Get right with God and listen up!!!
For the first time ever we go down that lonesome road of playing records and talkin’ in-between! Sharky goes solo, jockeying discs and raising the roof!! Featured: Rock’n’roll sermons, gospel choirs, twisted spirituals... plus Mr. Airplane Man, Reagan Youth, and the Edison Rocket Train throwing down the shakin’ beat!!! THIS IS NOW MUSIC FOR NOW PEOPLE and the FASTEST THIRTY MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE. Get right with God and listen up!!!
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